Category: Uncategorized
Pawn Structure Explorer
Pawns not only create the sketch for the whole painting, they are also the soil, the foundation, of any position. Anatoly Karpov I recently picked up chess again and was looking for ways to improve my understanding of different pawn structures. This lead to me writing a small web app which allows you to experiment…
Discriminability of Single-Layer Graph Neural Networks
Now that the semester is over, I’m excited to catch up with posting about some more analytical research I worked on last summer, together with Fernando Gama and Alejandro Ribeiro. This was a fairly theoretical work analyzing the discriminability impact of nonlinearities in a graph neural network (GNN) architecture. The paper has been published in…
ContactNets: Learning Discontinuous Contact Dynamics with Smooth, Implicit Representations
Last month I had the pleasure of presenting my research on learning contact dynamics at the Conference on Robot Learning (2020), together with my coauthors Mathew Halm and Michael Posa in DAIR lab. The complete paper is available on arXiv, with a video demonstration of the methods here. This work addresses a challenge common across…